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Simple Ideas That Will Save Your Marriage and Your Life PT 1

EPISODE 008 ~ Stan Tatkin, PsyD, MFT Clinician, author, researcher, PACT developer, and co-founder of the PACT Institute. Dr. Tatkin is an assistant clinical professor at UCLA, David Geffen School of Medicine. He maintains a private practice in Southern California and leads PACT programs in the US and internationally. He is the author We Do, Wired for Love, Your Brain on Love, Relationship RX, Wired for Dating, and co-author of Love and War in Intimate Relationships.

Listen to part one of this insightful interview with Stan Tatkin on Better Relationships, Better Life, full of the influences that helped shape the PACT institute, and some of the wisdom that Stan and his team can share:

Here is what to expect on this week’s show:
●    How Stan utilizes his research in psychobiology as a foundation for his work with the PACT institute and in relationship therapy
●    How Stan went from drumming protégé to working with couples
●    The evolutionary and historical reasons why people long to be in paired relationships
●    Ways of thinking about relationships so that one member is not at risk of being eclipsed or absorbed by the other, where both partners can keep their individual identities while also supporting one another
●    The many different spiritual and philosophical traditions that influence Stan’s work and the PACT foundation
●    Habits and rituals that you can form with your partner that will remind them of your mutual support, even if the two of you go to bed upset with one another

Connect with Stan:
WEBSITE: https://www.thepactinstitute.com/
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/PactTrainingInstitute
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/DrStanTatkin
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/drstantatkin/
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/user/stanleytat
LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/pub/stan-tatkin/11/233/281

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